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Mallory Rowan
Niche: Business Coach

"I made $16,000 with 3 workshops using Gemma's Workshop Wins method (and validated my new online course idea)!"

Meghan Johnston
Niche: Yoga + Wellness

"I used the Workshop Wins method to make $500 with a workshop I was going to record anyway!"

Kelly O'Rourke
Niche: Life Coach

"With my summer series workshops - using Gemma's method - I made $1410 in revenue and generated a bunch of interest for my group coaching program!"

Dani Paige
Niche: Copywriting

"I hosted a workshop on writing welcome sequences and had a great turnout! 22 people signed up, I made $1694, and I'm now re-purposing it into an SLO funnel!"

Workshop Wins: Learn how to make $1k in 10(ish) days with a paid, live workshop - only $47!

The W.I.N. Framework – How to come up with a highly sell-able workshop idea  (Value $97)
Workshop Offer Stack – The 4 things every workshop offer needs to include to fly off the shelves (Value $97)
Pricing Guide – How to price your workshop so it passes the “start the car!” test  (Value $77)
The B.R.I.C Sales System – The 4 elements your workshop sales page needs to converts readers into buyers (Value $67)
Workshop Tech How-to Guide: From Scrappy to Pro – Exactly what tools to use to run a workshop (no budget required!) with all how-to video tutorials (Value $97)
Deliver + Delight – How to blow away your workshop participants and get incredible testimonials (Value $59)
Workshop Wins Handbook – The fillable workbook that will get your workshop mapped out, launched, and delivered (Value $97)
Live Launch Playbook – Use this playbook to fill your workshop. Understand exactly what to do during your pre-launch, open cart, and close cart periods. (Value $197)
Live Launch Calendar – The fillable day-by-day launch calendar so you can map out every single day of your live launch. (Value $47)
Survey Swipe – Get feedback and testimonials from participants with this post-workshop survey (Value $19)
BONUS: Audience Engagement Manual – 5 Sure fire ways to figure out exactly what your audience wants to learn (Value: $77)
BONUS: The Profit Multiplier Method – Learn 5 specific strategies for re-purposing your workshop for continued profits (Value: $197)
BONUS: Easy Email Checklist – Know exactly what emails to send + when to send them to your workshop participants (Value: $47)

  • Total payment
  • 1xArt Journaling Workshop$27

All prices in USD
